
In the following example, a Marker layer is created and one interacts with it:

from ipyleaflet import Map, Marker

center = (52.204793, 360.121558)

m = Map(center=center, zoom=15)

marker = Marker(location=center, draggable=True)


# Now that the marker is on the Map, you can drag it with your mouse,
# it will automatically update the `marker.location` attribute in Python

# You can also update the marker location from Python, that will update the
# marker location on the Map:
marker.location = (50, 356)

ipywidgets is powered by traitlets, this brings an observer pattern implementation which allows you to react on widget attribute changes.

For example, you can define a Python callback that will be called whenever the marker location has changed:

def on_location_changed(event):
    # Do some computation given the new marker location, accessible from `event['new']`

marker.observe(on_location_changed, 'location')

Please check out the traitlets documentation for more details about the observer pattern implementation.


Everything in ipyleaflet is an interactive widget, from the Map class to Layer and Control classes. This means that what we achieved here with marker.location, you can achieve it with map.zoom, layer.url, or heatmap.locations

You can try ipyleaflet online using binder, no need to install anything on your computer: