Polygon/Multipolygon ==================== Example Polygon --------------- You can easily create a ``Polygon`` providing the list of vertex locations (in lat/lng). .. jupyter-execute:: from ipyleaflet import Map, Polygon polygon = Polygon( locations=[(42, -49), (43, -49), (43, -48)], color="green", fill_color="green" ) m = Map(center=(42.5531, -48.6914), zoom=6) m.add(polygon); m Because the ``Polygon`` an interactive widget, you can dynamically update the locations/color from Python, and you will see updated on the ``Map``. Example Polygon with holes -------------------------- You can define holes in your ``Polygon`` by using nested lists of vertex locations. .. jupyter-execute:: from ipyleaflet import Map, Polygon polygon = Polygon( locations= [ [(37, -109.05), (41, -109.03), (41, -102.05), (37, -102.04)], [(37.29, -108.58), (40.71, -108.58), (40.71, -102.50), (37.29, -102.50)] ], color="green", fill_color="green" ) m = Map(center=(37.5531, -109.6914), zoom=5) m.add(polygon); m Example MultiPolygon -------------------- .. jupyter-execute:: from ipyleaflet import Map, Polygon multipolygon = Polygon( locations=[ [(42, -49), (43, -49), (43, -48)], [(44,-49), (43, -50), (44,-50)] ], color="green", fill_color="green" ) m = Map(center=(42.5531, -48.6914), zoom=6) m.add(multipolygon); m Example Editable Polygon ------------------------ If ``transform`` is set to ``True``, you can dynamically edit the polygon with the mouse. .. jupyter-execute:: from ipyleaflet import Map, Polygon polygon = Polygon( locations=[(42, -49), (43, -49), (43, -48)], color="green", fill_color="green", transform=True ) m = Map(center=(42.5531, -48.6914), zoom=6) m.add(polygon); m Attributes ---------- .. autoclass:: ipyleaflet.leaflet.Polygon :members: