GeoData ======= ``GeoData`` is an ``ipyleaflet`` class that allows you to visualize a `GeoDataFrame `_ of polygons, lines, and points on the Map. Examples -------- .. jupyter-execute:: from ipyleaflet import Map, GeoData, basemaps, LayersControl import geopandas import json countries = geopandas.read_file(geopandas.datasets.get_path('naturalearth_lowres')) m = Map(center=(52.3,8.0), zoom = 3, basemap= basemaps.Esri.WorldTopoMap) geo_data = GeoData(geo_dataframe = countries, style={'color': 'black', 'fillColor': '#3366cc', 'opacity':0.05, 'weight':1.9, 'dashArray':'2', 'fillOpacity':0.6}, hover_style={'fillColor': 'red' , 'fillOpacity': 0.2}, name = 'Countries') m.add(geo_data) m.add(LayersControl()) m Points example: .. jupyter-execute:: from ipyleaflet import Map, GeoJSON, GeoData import geopandas, pandas as pd, numpy as np m = Map(center=(46.91, 7.43), zoom=15) numpoints = 10 center = (7.43, 46.91) df = pd.DataFrame( {'Conc': 1 * np.random.randn(numpoints) + 17, 'Longitude': 0.0004 * np.random.randn(numpoints) + center[0], 'Latitude': 0.0004 * np.random.randn(numpoints) + center[1]}) gdf = geopandas.GeoDataFrame( df, geometry=geopandas.points_from_xy(df.Longitude, df.Latitude)) geo_data = GeoData(geo_dataframe = gdf, style={'color': 'black', 'radius':8, 'fillColor': '#3366cc', 'opacity':0.5, 'weight':1.9, 'dashArray':'2', 'fillOpacity':0.6}, hover_style={'fillColor': 'red' , 'fillOpacity': 0.2}, point_style={'radius': 5, 'color': 'red', 'fillOpacity': 0.8, 'fillColor': 'blue', 'weight': 3}, name = 'Release') m.add(geo_data) m Attributes ---------- .. autoclass:: ipyleaflet.leaflet.GeoData :members: