AntPath ======= Example ------- .. jupyter-execute:: from ipyleaflet import Map, AntPath m = Map(center=(51.332, 6.853), zoom=10) ant_path = AntPath( locations=[ [51.185, 6.773], [51.182, 6.752], [51.185, 6.733], [51.194, 6.729], [51.205, 6.732], [51.219, 6.723], [51.224, 6.723], [51.227, 6.728], [51.228, 6.734], [51.226, 6.742], [51.221, 6.752], [51.221, 6.758], [51.224, 6.765], [51.230, 6.768], [51.239, 6.765], [51.246, 6.758], [51.252, 6.745], [51.257, 6.724], [51.262, 6.711], [51.271, 6.701], [51.276, 6.702], [51.283, 6.710], [51.297, 6.725], [51.304, 6.732], [51.312, 6.735], [51.320, 6.734], [51.326, 6.726], [51.334, 6.713], [51.340, 6.696], [51.344, 6.678], [51.349, 6.662], [51.354, 6.655], [51.360, 6.655], [51.366, 6.662], [51.369, 6.675], [51.373, 6.704], [51.376, 6.715], [51.385, 6.732], [51.394, 6.741], [51.402, 6.743], [51.411, 6.742], [51.420, 6.733], [51.429, 6.718], [51.439, 6.711], [51.448, 6.716], [51.456, 6.724], [51.466, 6.719], [51.469, 6.713], [51.470, 6.701], [51.473, 6.686], [51.479, 6.680], [51.484, 6.680], [51.489, 6.685], [51.493, 6.700], [51.497, 6.714] ], dash_array=[1, 10], delay=1000, color='#7590ba', pulse_color='#3f6fba' ) m.add(ant_path) m Interactions ------------ Like most widgets in ipyleaflet, the ``AntPath`` can be dynamically updated from Python. .. code:: # Update the color ant_path.color = 'red' # Update the path ant_path.locations = [[51.185, 6.773], [51.326, 6.726], [51.497, 6.714]] Attributes ---------- .. autoclass:: ipyleaflet.leaflet.AntPath :members: