Search Control ============== Example ------- .. jupyter-execute:: from ipyleaflet import Map, SearchControl, Marker, AwesomeIcon m = Map(zoom=3, center=[19.1646, 72.8493]) marker = Marker(icon=AwesomeIcon(name="check", marker_color='green', icon_color='darkgreen')) m.add(SearchControl( position="topleft", url='{s}', zoom=5, marker=marker )) m You can add a callback that will be run when on search found: .. jupyter-execute:: m = Map(center=[47, 2], zoom=5) search = SearchControl( position="topleft", url='{s}?', zoom=5 ) m.add(search) def on_found(**kwargs): # Print the result of the search (text, location etc) print(kwargs) search.on_location_found(on_found) m You can also search features from GeoJSON layers. .. jupyter-execute:: import json import os import requests from ipyleaflet import AwesomeIcon, GeoJSON, Map, Marker, LayerGroup, SearchControl m = Map(zoom=3, center=[19.1646, 72.8493]) if not os.path.exists('countries.geo.json'): url = '' r = requests.get(url) with open('countries.geo.json', 'w') as f: f.write(r.content.decode("utf-8")) with open("countries.geo.json") as f: data = json.load(f) countries = GeoJSON(data=data) layer_group = LayerGroup(layers=(countries,)) marker = Marker(icon=AwesomeIcon(name="check", marker_color='green', icon_color='darkred')) m.add(SearchControl( position="topleft", layer=layer_group, zoom=4, property_name='name', marker=marker )) m Attributes and methods ------- .. autoclass:: ipyleaflet.leaflet.SearchControl :members: