Choropleth ========== Example ------- .. jupyter-execute:: import ipyleaflet import json import pandas as pd import os import requests from ipywidgets import link, FloatSlider from branca.colormap import linear def load_data(url, filename, file_type): r = requests.get(url) with open(filename, 'w') as f: f.write(r.content.decode("utf-8")) with open(filename, 'r') as f: return file_type(f) geo_json_data = load_data( '', 'us-states.json', json.load) unemployment = load_data( '', 'US_Unemployment_Oct2012.csv', pd.read_csv) unemployment = dict(zip(unemployment['State'].tolist(), unemployment['Unemployment'].tolist())) layer = ipyleaflet.Choropleth( geo_data=geo_json_data, choro_data=unemployment, colormap=linear.YlOrRd_04, border_color='black', style={'fillOpacity': 0.8, 'dashArray': '5, 5'}) m = ipyleaflet.Map(center = (43,-100), zoom = 4) m.add(layer) m Usage ----- The ``Choropleth`` takes ``geo_data`` and ``choro_data`` as arguments. The ``geo_data`` is a `GeoJSON `_ dictionary, for `instance `_ : .. code:: { "type": "FeatureCollection", "features":[{ "type":"Feature", "id":"AL", "properties":{"name":"Alabama"}, "geometry":{ "type":"Polygon", "coordinates": [[[-87.359296,35.00118]]] ... } }] } The ``choro_data`` is a dictionary that maps an key to a float value, in order to build the colormap : .. code:: {'AL': 7.1, 'AK': 6.8} The ``Choropleth`` layer is then created specifying on which key the colormap is applied: .. code:: Choropleth( geo_data=geo_data, choro_data=choro_data, key_on='id' ) Other options for the colormap can be found by running ``linear`` in the notebook cell. Refer to the `Branca docs `_ for more information about colormaps: .. jupyter-execute:: linear Attributes ---------- .. autoclass:: ipyleaflet.leaflet.Choropleth :members: